Schema examples
Here you can find some example schemas to get you started.
When filtering events, start and end parameters are required. These schema's could start with
start_time = format_date("02-01-2006 15:04", "01-05-2022 00:00")
end_time = format_date("02-01-2006 15:04", "31-05-2022 00:00")
start_block = 13400000
end_block = 13500000
Uniswap V2 ETH-USDC swap price vs. mid price
This example gets the swap price of every Swap event on the ETH-USDC Sushiswap pool. It also fetches the reserves at the previous block, to calculate the mid price before the swap. Note that events are at the transaction level, while calling methods is at the block level (the state we get is the state at the end of the target block).
// query defines the name of your query -> name of your output files and SQL tables
query usdc_eth_swaps {
chain = "arbitrum"
contract {
// specify the contract address
address = "0x905dfCD5649217c42684f23958568e533C711Aa3"
// contract needs an ABI
abi = "unipair.abi.json"
// Listen for events
event Swap {
// The outputs we're interested in, same way as with methods.
outputs = ["amount1In", "amount0Out", "amount0In", "amount1Out"]
// We can call methods on the occurence of the Swap event
method getReserves {
// Call at the previous block
block_offset = -1
// These are the outputs we're interested in. They are available
// to transform as variables in the "transform" block below. Outputs should
// be provided as a list.
outputs = ["_reserve0", "_reserve1"]
// "transform" blocks are at the contract-level,
// they allow you to do some preliminary cleaning of the outputs
// before moving on.
transform {
eth_reserve = parse_decimals(_reserve0, 18)
usdc_reserve = parse_decimals(_reserve1, 6)
usdc_sold = parse_decimals(amount1In, 6)
eth_sold = parse_decimals(amount0In, 18)
usdc_bought = parse_decimals(amount1Out, 6)
eth_bought = parse_decimals(amount0Out, 18)
buy = amount0Out != 0
// Besides the normal context, the "save" block for events provides an additional
// variable "tx_hash". "save" blocks are at the query-level and have access to variables
// defined in the "transform" block
save {
timestamp = timestamp
block = blocknumber
contract = contract_address
tx_hash = tx_hash
eth_reserve = eth_reserve
usdc_reserve = usdc_reserve
mid_price = usdc_reserve / eth_reserve
// Example: we want to calculate the price of the swap.
// We have to make sure we don't divide by 0, so we use the ternary operator.
swap_price = eth_bought != 0 ? (usdc_sold / eth_bought) : (usdc_bought / eth_sold)
direction = buy ? b : s
size_in_udsc = eth_bought != 0 ? usdc_sold : usdc_bought
Per-swap fees on Uniswap V3
In this example we calculate every swap fee in USDC on the Uniswap V3 WETH-USDC pool (0.3% fee tier). We do this on Ethereum mainnet. We also note whether the swap bought of sold ETH.
query "usdc_eth_fees_3000" {
chain = "ethereum"
contract {
address = "0x8ad599c3A0ff1De082011EFDDc58f1908eb6e6D8"
abi = "uni_v3_pool.abi.json"
event "Swap" {
outputs = ["sender", "recipient", "amount0", "amount1", "liquidity", "tick"]
transform {
eth_amount = parse_decimals(amount1, 18)
usdc_amount = parse_decimals(amount0, 6)
save {
timestamp = timestamp
block = blocknumber
tx = tx_hash
eth_amount = eth_amount
usdc_amount = usdc_amount
liquidity = liquidity
tick = tick
sender = sender
recipient = recipient
// Calculate the swap fee in USDC (0.3% fee tier)
lp_fee = abs(0.003 * usdc_amount)
type = eth_amount < 0 ? "ETH_SELL" : "ETH_BUY"
Record every ERC20 transfer on Ethereum and Arbitrum
This is an example of where a loop would come in handy. We also call decimals()
on the contract
because we want to save the parsed value, and we filter out 0
values. Note that in this case
it's recommended to save the chain
, since you otherwise won't be able to determine on which chain the
transfer took place.
loop {
items = ["arbitrum", "ethereum"]
query arbi_eth_transfers {
chain = item
event Transfer {
abi = "erc20.abi.json"
outputs = ["from", "to", "value"]
method decimals {
outputs = ["decimals"]
transform {
value = parse_decimals(value, decimals)
filter = [
value != 0
save {
chain = chain
block = blocknumber
timestamp = timestamp
tx_hash = tx_hash
from = from
to = to
value = value
When calling methods, an interval, along with start and end parameters is mandatory, otherwise
won't know when to call the methods. An example start of the following schema's would be
start_time = format_date("02-01-2006 15:04", "01-06-2022 16:10")
end_time = now
// Call method every 30s. This will be converted to an estimated block interval.
time_interval = 30
start_block = 13400000
end_block = 13500000
// Call every 100 blocks.
block_interval = 100
Mid price of Uniswap V2 pools
This example shows you how to calculate the mid price of a Uniswap V2 pool using the reserves. We do this for the WETH-USDC pool on Arbitrum.
query usdc_eth_mid_price {
chain = "arbitrum"
contract {
address = "0x905dfCD5649217c42684f23958568e533C711Aa3"
abi = "unipair.abi.json"
// Call methods
method getReserves {
// These are the outputs we're interested in. They are available
// to transform as variables in the "save" block below. Outputs should
// be provided as a list.
outputs = ["_reserve0", "_reserve1"]
transform {
eth_reserve = parse_decimals(_reserve0, 18)
usdc_reserve = parse_decimals(_reserve1, 6)
save {
block = blocknumber
timestamp = timestamp
mid_price = usdc_reserve / eth_reserve
Query token balance
In this example we first define some variabels for later use, and then query our USDC balance
on Ethereum mainnet. The custom function token_balance(owner, token)
returns the parsed balance.
// Define variables for later use
variables = {
owner = "0xDeAdB33F"
usdc = "0xFF970A61A04b1cA14834A43f5dE4533eBDDB5CC8"
query usdc_balance {
chain = "ethereum"
// Previous blocks are optional, we can just skip straight to the save block
save {
block = blocknumber
time = timestamp
account = owner
// Custom helper function which returns the parsed ERC20 balance
account_balance = token_balance(owner, usdc)
Query native balance
If you want to query your native balance on a specific chain, let's say avax
, you would use the
helper function.
query avax_balance {
chain = "avax"
save {
block = blocknumber
time = timestamp
account_balance = balance("0xDeAdB33F")